Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Kid Candy

One thing I never did outgrow is my love for candy.  I will admit it.  I love candy.  Of course I love love love "grown up" candy like Sea Salt Milk Chocolate Caramels and English Toffee and Pecan Danties but I also like kid candy.  For my birthday this year my sister bought me a "fill your own" straw at a candy store which I promptly filled with sour pucker powder.  I literally jumped up and down with joy over my kid present.  Sour candy! Mmmmm! I LOVE sour candy. I ate the whole thing. I remember when I was little how much I longed for one little bitty pixie stick.  You know the kind that was all paper and filled with flavored sugar.  Whenever I would see a kid eat that, even with the paper all stuck to his or her tongue, I envied that kid. We had very little money growing up and candy was something we just never had. I used to hoard all my Halloween candy and make it last an entire year.  Seriously.  I would ration my small haul from trick or treating and make it last as long as possible.  I believe I may hold the record for making NOW & LATERS last for years.  Oh how I love those! As an adult, I still have trouble with saving my candy.  If I get candy as a present, I have a little bite and then put the rest away to save for later.  Sometimes I will save my candy present SOOOOOO long by the time I got around to letting myself have a bite, it will be WAY past its prime.  My sister sent me some chocolate truffles a few years ago.  She knows how much I love candy presents. It had around 20 individually wrapped truffles in it. I made that last for MONTHS.  So when I got my pucker powder straw and actually finished the entire thing within a week - I knew I had made progress.  Well maybe not toooo much progress because I bought 2 oz of Sour Patch Cherry candies at the same time and I believe I have just under 2 oz of Sour Patch Cherry candies left.  I mean what if I never get Sour Patch Cherry candies again!  I can only have one a day! I have been toying with the idea of actually ordering several kinds of kid  Nah! I have 2 oz of Sour Patch Cherry candy! I can make that last until Christmas!

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