Friday, September 6, 2013

Doodle Loving Kitties

Look at what I have stacked against me. Whenever I walk into the kitchen this is what I am confronted with.....
"The Kitty is HELPING Me"
"See? She is helping me plan my day and write my To-Do list"
And if that weren't bad enough
Sometimes this is what I see.......

Do you see them both snuggled together!?!?  I mean seriously.  I am working hard to find these kittens new homes and they are SO sneaky with their little "I Love You" hugs. They are making me say, "awwwww" on purpose!

Even the dogs are conspiring with the kittens.  See?  The kittens are saying, "We are DOODLE LOVING KITTIES!  Don't you LOVE us?!!??!!"

And just to prove their point....sometimes I walk in and see this. They are literally hugging each other whilst sleeping.

Dear Doodle Loving Kitties.....You need a new home.  You cannot live here.  We have enough animals at Yesteryear Acres.  Is anyone listening?  Hello? It seems I am being ignored.  Does anyone else get that feeling????

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