Friday, September 20, 2013

The End of the Story is.....

The end of the story is......Mr. Yesteryear Acres is back home and is okay.  The beginning of the story is.....Mr. Yesteryear Acres was fixing the hydraulic lines on the tractor when one of the bolts snapped and the wrench Mr. Yesteryear Acres was using came flying back and hit him right in the face. Since we live on a farm, I have to say, accidents happen with a depressing regularity so when I got a text asking for triage help, I was pretty calm.  I walked outside, and there was Mr. Yesteryear Acres with his face all covered in blood.  Okay.....Looks like a definite trip to Urgent Care.  The middle of the story of course is how we are welcomed to Urgent Care with HI!  YOU ARE BACK!  We are kind of like the Norm of Cheers at our Urgent Care.  Within no time, Mr. Yesteryear Acres was glued back together and sent home.  Gluing is SO much faster and easier than stitches!  That was a new one for us.  Now all we have to do is watch for signs of a sinus cavity fracture and have Mr. Yesteryear Acres sit still long enough to put ice on his face.  Even with a face like this....
He is still the most handsome man I know.  I wonder how beautiful he will be tomorrow morning when he wakes up!  The Urgent Care Doctor said it will be a doozy!  I think he just may be right!  

1 comment:

  1. Had something like this happen to me when I was a younger worker, and since then I always wear protective goggles doing just about anything. I put them on when I cut the grass, trim trees, trim bushes, work on my car, even cleaning in the garage. You never know when that little nut or bolt will come right at your face.

    Scott Cravey @ U.S. HealthWorks - San Leandro


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