Thursday, August 14, 2014

All together now!

Things here have been pretty busy of late and I have to say the house has been suffering from lack of attention. Each day I have been running out of time to get my MUST DO list done. When it comes down to a choice to either clean the house or take care of the puppies - puppies always win.  If it comes down to bale hay or clean the house - the hay wins.  If it comes down to catching up on my unopened mail, unpacking my suitcase or getting the laundry done - that all wins too.  This has left me with a very neglected, very sad house.  Today EVEN though the weather was PERFECT outside......everyone came inside to help clean the house. That just made my heart smile.  Mr. Yesteryear Acres, my son AND Bri all worked with me all day long and now my house is all clean and happy.  Every room looks great.  At one point I looked around and Bri was vacuuming under the radiators and my son was dusting all the high ceiling moldings and Mr. Yesteryear Acres was finally putting away his "I'll get to it" pile.  Ahhhhhh.  Such happiness! I am so thankful for all the help and now when I walk into every room, I just smile. If you listen closely, you can hear my house say, "Thank you so much!  I feel so much better now!" Me too!

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