Today was one of those days you dream about all winter long. One of those perfect summer days where the weather is perfect and just being outside fills you with a complete sense of happiness. We had temperatures right around 74* all day long with a nice cool steady breeze. The sun was shining and not a cloud in the sky. It was glorious. My son and I headed out the door at 7:40am for his cross country practice. He has practice 3 mornings a week and of course I am his faithful dedicated chauffeur. His practices last a little over an hour so instead of driving home and then back again to pick him up, I walk on my own while he practices with the team. I have been getting faster and faster during my hour walk and today I covered a little over 4 miles. I have to say - I was quite proud of myself. When I started walking at the beginning of the month, I was really huffing and puffing and hardly covered any ground. Now I am clipping along at a good pace and feel a lot more energized and am in much better shape. I have been taking a different doggie companion each time and the doggies are loving the long morning walks. Today Lola got to come with me and she was a very good doodle doggie. Her tail was wagging our whole walk together. Once I got home, the weather just was calling me...."COME OUTSIDE RENEE"......."COME ENJOY THE DAY!" I couldn't resist. Perfect days don't come along all that often so I grabbed my book that I have been waiting to read since last November and headed out the door. Mr. Yesteryear Acres set up the perfect place for me to spend the day:

I decided I would sit on my lovely cushioned chair, feel the cool breeze, delight in the warm sun, and read - without feeling guilty.
And so I sat. And Read. And sipped my fresh squeezed lemonade. Every once in a while the feelings of "I should be doing something...I cannot just sit here and enjoy myself" would creep up, but I pushed that to the back of my mind and was determined to enjoy. I was going to enjoy all the beauty that surrounded me and the tranquility of life.
I have to was heavenly. I ended up reading my entire book. Cover to cover.
And even though it might look like I was all alone with no one to share in my glorious day....don't worry....
My little doggie Scooter was happy to make sure we soaked in every last ray of sunshine and happiness together.
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