Tuesday, February 11, 2014

New Collars and Poopsicles!

Juneau's puppies got new collars today and I have to say - they look adorable!  We have really cute collars with fun patterns like Cherry Blossom and Butterflies and Pink Argyle Hearts. Once all the new collars were on, the puppies went outside for a quick potty break.  This morning was a whopping -11* and by the time we went outside it had warmed up to 6.8*  I thought perhaps the puppies would remain in their ice statue positions but actually they did great! We even had poopsicles happen! I am so proud they are learning to go outside despite the frigid temps.  What good little puppies!!!!
Potty time!

I'm done! 

Hey - whats out this way?

We're making snow tunnels!

Our King of the Mountain game is much smaller than the big doggies!

Time to go in already????

But, but what about the big snow hill?

Okay - we will come in.... We'll tackle the big snow hill next time!

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