Thursday, February 20, 2014

Eagle Doodle!

Mr. Yesteryear Acres came running in the house yesterday yelling that he just saw an Eagle soaring above our field.  An Eagle? I mean I know we have had our fair share of creatures here at Yesteryear Acres - the infamous litter of stinker doodles, the herds of deer doodles, even Blackie our resident Black Squirrel Doodle but an Eagle Doodle? As in a Bald Eagle? As in the most awesome bird ever?! Mr. Yesteryear Acres assured me that yes, we have a bald eagle.  I immediately put on my rain pants and rubber boots, grabbed my camera and set out walking.
Somewhere near the woods - a bald eagle was waiting for me

It was up to Grits and I to find it
I walked through the slushy rivers of melting snow with my head tilted back

I started jumping for joy was just a red-tailed hawk

Eagle? I don't think so.
I had just about given up.  My feet were frozen. I almost fell in slushy rivers of melted snowy ice water several times.  The water level was now well above my ankles and I started to head back home.  Just as I got to the top of the woods..... 

YES!  We really DO have a bald eagle!

Of course I took about 100 pictures of it

And even though I could post all 100 pictures

I narrowed them down to about 20 pictures to share

I mean who doesn't love Bald Eagles!

It soared right over my head

Even Grits looked skyward to watch the beautiful eagle soar by

I think it soared above my head for a good ten minutes

Just circling and soaring

I am pretty sure he loves Yesteryear Acres

And I assure you - we love the bald eagle right back!

Thanks for stopping by

You are welcome here anytime!

And with one final wave

Our Bald Eagle flew off to destinations unknown
I hope he comes back soon!


Feel Free to Comment, Post Doodle Pictures and Share your Thoughts!