Do you ever have one of those days where everything just falls into place and it is just an all around awesome day? Well I had that kind of day today. I woke up and my delightful son had already fed and watered the puppies before he went to school. He is a good son! Then I enjoyed a delicious cup of coffee made for me by my sweet husband. Mr. Yesteryear Acres makes the BEST coffee you have ever had. Seriously. You cannot go to any coffee house and find a better cup. He is a true Coffee Barista! He also makes mine JUST the way I like it each and every morning without fail. Just the right amount of Demerara Brown Cane Sugar Crystals and REAL 100% CREAM with FULL FAT & ALL THE CALORIES. mmmmmm. After we enjoyed our morning coffee together we headed outside with all the puppies for a morning photo session. We knew the rain was coming this afternoon so we decided to make sure to get that done first thing. Well the puppies must have been in the mood for pictures today. They were totally giving America's Next Top Model a run for their money. We had so much fun and were cracking up because almost every time we placed a puppy on the blanket the puppy totally would strike a pose. We didn't have to use gimmicks, sound makers, flying toys, whistles, handkerchiefs that fly through the air or anything. They were just like "Let's show off our beauty and make this look GOOD!" The photo session each week is usually a very long and tedious process but today we got it done in less than an hour. It was a lot of fun because I got tons of great photos! We brought all the puppies back inside and I was so excited to get the photos published to our website. I was just about to start working when DUM DUM DUM...OH YES - THE UPS truck arrived!!!!!! My friend had ordered some Salsa Verde Doritos for me and they CAME TODAY!!!! I don't think anyone really understands the DEPTH of my happiness over this!!!!! I mean on any given day, if you are to call me at lunch time and ask me what I am eating, I will invariably say "Chips and Cheese and Salsa". Not just ANY Salsa - my homemade Salsa that I meticulously can each summer and not ANY chips but SALSA VERDE Doritos! It is my favorite lunch in the whole world! Last year they stopped carrying Salsa Verde Doritos anywhere East of the Mississippi River. SUCH SADNESS! I had all but given up hope of ever having it again when LO and BEHOLD THREE BEAUTIFUL BAGS ARRIVED TODAY!!!! I wasted not a moment's notice and ripped open the bag and started savoring the delectable morsels immediately. Happiness was pouring all around me!!!!! Ahhhhhh. And at the exact moment that Happiness was pouring all around me......ummmmm...well Mother Nature was POURING on Mr. Yesteryear Acres!!! LOL. The skies had opened up and literally DUMPED a thousand gallons of water per second. You couldn't even see outside. So being the very good and very supportive and awesome wife that I am, I called Mr. Yesteryear Acres and asked him if he wanted me to bring out some shampoo. I mean when life gives you lemons...make lemonade RIGHT? He informed me that he and Cassie were hanging out together in the dog house. So if anyone asks - my husband WILLINGLY went to the dog house!!!! I did not send him there! LOL. And - no - he didn't want the shampoo. Hmmm. Well, I thought it was a great idea.
Tonight is family night! I have a loaf of homemade bread in the oven and I think I will make some Penne Pasta with fresh cherry tomatoes and pine nuts. :) I hope your Friday was A GOOD DAY too! Here's to the weekend!!!!!
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