Friday, April 2, 2010

Bring on the Rain

Today we had a bit of a rainy day here. And by here – I mean here on my spring break vacation – not here at home where I am sure it has been 75* with a lovely breeze, the sun shining, the daffodils blooming and the birds all singing. I think whenever there is a bad weather day on vacation, by law it has to be the nicest weather day EVER back home. Mother Nature likes to pull that one just so the people back home can feel justice in having been left behind. I suppose in fair play – it is nice for them to feel vindicated but wouldn’t it be nice for all parties to have lovely weather? I mean that IS possible right? It is possible for everyone having a spring break at home and all those having their spring break elsewhere to have the loveliest weather ever experienced during that particular week, but alas, not this time. We had rain. It was very fun to watch other vacationers deal with the dreary forecast. Some ran full speed ahead to retreat inside and totally gave up all hope for any redeeming quality in the wet hours that lie ahead. Their day was ruined. Nothing could salvage their happiness now. Rain unquestionably meant the end of their spring break fun. On the other end of the spectrum were the few diehards that were in total denial. They absolutely were not going to admit that their towels, bags, books, hats, purses, and other belongings were almost to the point of drowning because “can’t you see???? It is NOT raining!” They sat in the pouring rain, holding down their precious vacation lounge chairs and they were going to continue to do so for the rest of the day. You could clearly see that they were going to stick with the philosophy of “Rain? What Rain? I don’t see any Rain?” Perhaps being completely and utterly soaked was their goal for the day. If that is in fact the case – they met their goals and then some. Our philosophy fell somewhere in the middle. We clearly admitted defeat as the rains fell but we were smart enough to make that call early in the game and got a lovely table under a shelter. The rain was most definitely not going to end our fun, but we would have our fun without the drowning aspect. We found some other “in the middle” people and proceeded to play all sorts of games and contests and just had a ball. Our team was particularly good at 70’s disco trivia and my daughter won the Chuck Berry Twist dance contest. She received a lovely prize and I know will never forget just how much courage it took to win that piece of victory. Hanging out with people that refuse to let a little dampness ruin their fun is a great way to spend a vacation day. Their perspective on the day’s merit can only bring smiles and happiness to your day. You share in the laughter, you share in the merriment and most importantly you all share in new friendships and lasting memories. Bring on the rain!

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