Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thank you for all the well wishes!

I received so many nice emails and posts about the one year anniversary date of having my heart attack. Wow. Thank you so much! That really made my day! As many of you wrote - yes yes yes yes - doodles are the best!  I am definitely lucky that I get to spend my days playing with doggies and puppies.  They are little vessels of unconditional love. Dogs are happy to see you no matter what the weather, what time of day or night, whether they are hungry or full, tired or ready to go - it doesn't matter to a doggie.  They just wag their tails and give you that irresistible "I LOVE YOU" look.  They are the best at comforting you when you are blue and are equally as happy to share in your joys. Doodle doggies are big bundles of love in a beautiful furry package. They make our lives whole and fill our days with so much love. I had a couple of people email and ask me if I was a changed person because of the heart attack.  Did I have a significant change of opinion on life or who I wanted to be or what I wanted to do with my life? Before I had my heart attack, I was a happy, positive, upbeat, loving, smiley, grateful person. I went out of my way to make sure everybody was happy and I would put myself last just to make sure that everyone else was okay. Being married to Mr. Yesteryear Acres and being a mom to my 3 children was the absolute most important thing in my life and every single day I felt so lucky to have such a loving family.  After having my heart attack, I am a happy, positive, upbeat, loving, smiley, grateful person. Being married to Mr. Yesteryear Acres and being a mom to my 3 children is the absolute most important thing in my life and every single day I feel so lucky to have such a loving family. I think that the only significant difference is the realization that life is fragile. I try not to focus on things that might or might not happen but rather think and appreciate the things that are happening in the moment. Each day is something to treasure. Almost dying definitely makes you think of how you want to spend your time and who you want to spend your time with. I choose to spend my time with the people I love. I love being with my family. I love being with my dogs and puppies. I love spending time with people that see the glass half-full and will make the most out of life. I choose to not spend my time with those that wallow in negativity. Life certainly isn't easy and there will always be bumps in the road but I want to share my happiness with those that share the same passion and love of life that I do. I see life as a beautiful blessing and I appreciate all the big things and the little things and even the messy things that life has to offer. To me life is a wonderful journey filled with a million little things that make you smile. The first firefly of the summer, watching your children play in the snow, taking a walk with your favorite doggie, drinking coffee in the morning with your spouse, feeling the sunshine on your face - all of the little things that happen each and every day are the pathstones that fill your life. I want to live a life where those things matter and in return the things I give back matter.  I think Erma Bombeck said it best, "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me."

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