Scarlet's puppies are almost ready for their new homes. They are all doing really well and are getting the hang of going to the potty outside. They are the friendliest bunch of puppies and could not be any cuter. I took new pictures of all our puppies so everyone could see how adorable they are. Look at these faces:

This is a really fun age because the puppies just love to follow you everywhere you go and they are just so happy whenever you walk into the room. Their tails are always wagging and they are full of kisses. If you sit down for even a second - your lap will be covered in puppies. A lap full of loveable kissable puppies will always put a smile on your face. Guaranteed. It is nice to know that whenever you need a big smile - a puppy is always ready to give you one. This is also a fun time for the new puppy families. The puppies really look like puppies now and this is the time when everyone starts choosing just which puppy will be theirs. When they are this cute - it is a hard choice!!! I had lots of emails today oooooohing and aaaaaaahing over the new photos. It was a really fun day. I love an email box full of smiles!
I also got a few pictures of our younger puppy babies.
This one is our "Got Milk?" girl. She is SO cute!
These babies are just one week old.
Just about the time I thought I was done taking pictures for the day, look who joined us for Fresh Apple Pie....minus the pie
The apples must be really delicious because the 2 deer just stayed and ate and ate and ate while 9 puppies zipped all around the yard having a good ole puppy romp. And the creatures....Big and Small.....were loved by us all.
All of these puppy pictures absolutely melt my heart!!!! Love them, keep them coming!!!