Wednesday, March 13, 2013

It's On

To say I am a little competitive would be a gross understatement.  I love to win.  I mean I LOVE to win.  In any competition between my sister and I - it is ON.  Full on blitz!  Since the beginning of this year I have been sporting a pedometer of sorts.  It is an AWESOME little gizmo that calculates how many steps I have taken in a day, the distance traveled, how much of my day was active, how much of my day was me sitting on my chair barely moving and how many flights of stairs I have gone up. The goal of every day is 10,000 steps and 10 flights of stairs.  Whenever I go way over my goal, I get an email that says, WAY TO GO OVERACHIEVER" and I LOVE that.  My younger daughter has the same device and we are linked together online so that I can see how she is doing and she can see my progress as well.  She has SERIOUSLY been beating me while she is in Europe.  I will feel fantastic and reach 15,000 steps in a single day, log on to our account, and she has walked 24,000 steps and 16+ miles.  Yes she is REALLY beating me.  So far it has been a contest between my daughter and me......until today!  My sister now has one! YES!  Now it is really on!  My sister and I have been obsessively checking each other's stats all day long.  I can tell when she is on her 18th flight of stairs and I have to JUMP up out of my chair and run up the steps for good measure.  Mr. Yesteryear Acres asked me if the goal was always to out walk my sister. Ummmmmm?...... YES! It. Is. On!

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