Thursday, May 2, 2013

Hurray for Normal

Today I had a completely normal day.  Nothing spectacular happened. Nothing dreadful happened. Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary.  A perfectly boring normal day.....AND I LOVED IT!  We had no emergencies.  We had no one become ill. I did things like - play with all the puppies in the beautiful warm sunshine. I washed all our laundry.  I finally made it to the bank. I actually went to the grocery store - for us - and bought groceries.  I have cereal!  I have my Greek Yogurt!  I have all the staples that we have been needing to stock up on for weeks.  I got homemade ice cream supplies too so now I can start making ice cream again.  It felt so wonderful to have a normal day. It has been so long I forgot what normal felt like.  I can tell you - Normal feels WONDERFUL!  Hurray for Normal!!!!!

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