Friday, November 18, 2016

Thankfulness Day 18 - Finished

We all have those type of projects where you have to dig deep to find the motivation to get started.  The project seems overwhelming and definitely remains at the very bottom of the list of things you want to do and at the top of the list of things that need to be done.  Sometimes the very hardest part is just getting started.  Once you dig in, slowly but surely there is the light at the end of the tunnel and optimism starts to blossom ......this project WILL get done! There is no better feeling than getting that project crossed off the list! Mission Accomplished! I am always thankful when I finish something I really didn't want to do in the first place.  Sometimes it can be something as simple as exercising. I can spend a lot of time rationalizing why I can not possibly exercise but in the end, the second I start exercising, I am so incredibly glad I did it! When I finish my workout, I always feel proud, and happy and thankful. This week we have been working on cleaning up the house for Thanksgiving. Each time we finish a room and cross it off the list, I am so thankful that we got that room done.  Now all I have to do is keep Mr. Yesteryear Acres out of each and every room that is finished. I need to admire our beautiful accomplishments before little by little.....he puts everything back that I just cleaned out! I think I need a sign....
Don't worry, I will also add the words "Thank You!!"  See?  November Thankfulness continues!

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