Monday, May 9, 2011

No Picture Monday

Alas I was not able to get my puppy pictures taken today and posted to the website.  I am still not feeling well.  This bug is kicking my butt! I so wanted to get the pictures done but I just couldn't find the strength.  My entire day consisted of just barely being able to get the puppies out every 2 hours and nothing more.  I am that whipped. *sigh*  I was hoping the antibiotics would have kicked in by now.  Maybe tomorrow!  My daughter is being so sweet and making dinner again tonight so I can rest. She took over the puppy duties as soon as she came home.  I was really thinking I would be all better by today! I am going to go to bed early. I am going to drink my fluids. I am going to rest all night and TOMORROW when I wake up...I WILL BE WELL.  Then I can take all new puppy pictures and share how adorable they all are.  Maybe I will be lucky enough to say hi to Mr. Sunshine!  The sun was actually out today!  I couldn't believe my eyes. Bright blue skies and beautiful warm shining sun. It was enough to make me feel a bit better - if not physically - definitely mentally! Everything looks better when it is bright and sunny outside. I am going to save all the good energy and all the good thoughts and tomorrow when I wake up - I just know I will feel better! Sorry for the delay in the pictures.......I will take extra cute ones to make up for the lateness!

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