Friday, March 1, 2013

Back Home

After a long night at the hospital we are back home.  My son has an acute contusion of his head, a severe cervical sprain, an acute contusion of his neck and  a concussion. He is restricted from all activity for the next 3-5 days and it will be some time before he is cleared for sports again.  He is in quite a bit of pain but we are so grateful nothing is fractured and so glad to be back home.  I am setting up a movie marathon for him and hopefully with the medication and neck support, he will get some much needed rest.  Thank you to everyone who was thinking of us.  That meant so very much to me.  I rushed out of the house so quickly, I left my phone at home and my ipad died shortly after arriving at the hospital so I didn't have any way to update or answer any calls or texts.  I was so frustrated at having left my phone at home. I couldn't even call Mr. Yesteryear Acres to let him know what was happening. I will have to do a better job of remembering my phone next time I dash out the door at 100 mph! Thanks again for all your support. Mr. Yesteryear Acres has made me a fresh delicious cup of coffee and I am all set for nurse duty! Glad to be home!


  1. We will keep your son in our thoughts and prayers. May he make a speedy recovery.


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