Sunday, December 14, 2014


When I arrived home last week after saying goodbye to my daughter as she left for her deployment, I was greeted by what I can only describe as, "OH MY GOSH WHAT HAPPENED!?!"  While I was gone, Mr. Yesteryear Acres decided that he would begin various house projects. And by begin, I really mean begin, which means he started them, but they are nowhere near completion.  Everything was in disarray.  All week long we have been working on the kitchen which is being updated with new electric.  Yesterday the kitchen project turned into the pantry area project which was not on the list.  The pantry project turned into moving the washer and dryer project which was not on the list. The move the washer and dryer project turned into removing the flooring which I KNOW wasn't on the list.
This is what my pantry looks like this morning:
Mr. Yesteryear Acres is down there.  I wonder if he will ever come back. I wonder if I will ever get my kitchen back. I wonder if I will ever find my microwave again.  I asked Mr. Yesteryear Acres for a status update.  He replied, "Think of this as a metamorphosis"
Hmmmmm - this better be one beautiful butterfly when he is done!

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