Tuesday, January 27, 2015

That wasn't on my agenda

Today was one of those days where things kept popping up that were definitely not on my To-Do list. First up was the 6:00am wake-up from my son who was feeling pretty poorly.  During the great flagpole raising - he was injured when the 3rd person helping dropped the pole on my son. He has been battling pretty severe pain for a week now and this morning the pain had radiated to his neck and chest. He was having a hard time breathing so needless to say, we were the very first patients when the doors opened at Urgent Care. The doctor was quite impressed with the fact my son had gone this long without medical intervention given his injuries.  He is now on several medications and hopefully will recover quickly.  The rest of the day my son was ordered to have strict bed rest so I became his nurse which wasn't exactly on my agenda.  Things kind of followed suit from there.  I had to hunt down the pharmacy with the available prescriptions, I had to go pick up the meds, I had to prepare a birthday meal and dessert which I totally forgot about, and I had about a dozen other things pop up that were not on my agenda.  The most frustrating item was when I realized that my Mac computer does not support the business tax software I need. This is tragic as I can't do my business taxes without that software so I spent most of the afternoon rebuilding an old windows machine that hasn't been turned on for over a year due to its dilapidated condition.  THAT was definitely not on my agenda.  Grrrrrrr.  I hope tomorrow is one of those - "Gee this is exactly what I had planned days!"  Well, it looks like my patient needs more water.  See?  Water girl - that wasn't on my agenda either! Only 2.5 hours to go until my non-agenda day is officially over.  Now that I think I can count on!

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