Saturday, March 21, 2015

Did they say Vintage????!

I was working in the kitchen when a news segment came on about making money from selling wedding dresses.  The premise was that wedding dresses are so expensive and only worn one time so why not sell the dress and make some money? I immediately thought, "Who would do THAT?!"  Then the news reporter went on to say things like, "where is your wedding dress" and "how many times have you even looked at it "and how do you even know it is in good condition all boxed up and shoved in your attic?" The segment was really pushing how much money you could get back on your original investment and why not do that rather than store it indefinitely? I was only half listening because my wedding dress is neatly stored in a hermetically sealed box and even though I have never even peeked at my dress since the day I got married, I love that dress!!!!  Maybe one of my daughters will want to wear it. Maybe whomever my son marries will want to wear it. Maybe they will just want to use the veil.  I don't know but I am not going to sell it.  As I was thinking of all the reasons that I would never sell my dress, the news reporter brought out a beautiful vintage wedding dress that was being sold for almost $6,000!  He was saying how vintage dresses were worth so much more money and are in high demand. I was looking at the vintage dress when the date of the dress flashed up on the screen.  1987.  That's right 1987!!!!  As in 1987 is considered VINTAGE!  Not 1930 or even 1940 but 1987!!!!  That is when I GOT MARRIED!  My dress is certainly NOT vintage!  It is youthful!  It is young!  It is has barely aged!  Vintage?  I think not. My up-to-date, fresh, modern, youthful wedding dress is just going to stay boxed up in my attic where it will not age at all and will be forever young! And in case you were wondering, the owner of the dress is not vintage either!

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