Yesteryear Acres seems to be a magnet for all creatures big and small. I think they know that they have a safe haven here and we will care for them as long as it takes to get them back on their feet. Sometimes, when little tiny creatures are finding a safe home here....they never leave. Like our "OH PLEASE CAN WE KEEP THEM" kittens named "Hansel" and "Gretel". My daughter rescued them and of course - they are still living here and you can find them snuggled on Mr. Yesteryear Acres lap every evening. In fact, when Mr. Yesteryear Acres says, "Alright, Bedtime!" - the doodle doggies AND the cats all run up the stairs to see which one can make it to our room first. So imagine my "delight" when my son called me to the field to see something........
That's right.......Bunny Doodles!

Their nest was disturbed when my son was mowing
And the little bunnies all scattered
Thank goodness I was able to find the bunny nest and all the little bunnies were rounded up and put back inside their very nice and very cozy nest....just like their mommy would have wanted. We will keep an eye on the nest but I bet tonight when the mommy bunny says, "Alright Bedtime!" her little bunnies will be happily snuggled together and ready to be tucked in for the night.
Sleep tight little Bunny Doodles!
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