Sunday, May 17, 2015


Yesterday my beautiful, talented, compassionate, amazing daughter graduated from college.  We were so lucky to be able to make it to her special day.  My son's friend (and honorary member of our family) made it here right on time and stayed all day at Yesteryear Acres caring for our doodle babies so that we could all go see the graduation.
In a sea of red....I found her! 
Second row closest to the stage, second from the left.

My sister came all the way from Vermont to celebrate the big day!
Lots of love in the stadium.  This is the last dry picture we took and then......
The skies opened up and it POURED.  We were all so wet!
My mother said, "Well at least she will remember her graduation"
I said - I believe it would still be memorable without the deluge!
Even with the rain.....everything was perfect

And we were all so proud and happy!

Rain can never stop these smiles!
Cause this girl graduated with honors!!!!

Now we only have FOUR more hours until the Special Recognition Ceremony
Good thing we brought a picnic party! 
And we got out of the rain!
Thank goodness for the covered porch!
We made special "Miami" treats for the party
And of course you have to have red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting!
Time for Ceremony Number Two!

Last Round of Family Hugs!

It is a beautiful thing when your sister and your daughter are best friends 
And your son and your daughter and his girlfriend are best friends
Proud Grandparents
I found her again!  

Ms. Cum Laude



of you!!!!!!!!!
One last thing to do before we leave..... Dance in the rain on the SEAL!
And we moved her out and made it 2:00am!
Now that is a Graduation Day to Remember Forever

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