Sunday, February 28, 2016

How do I look?

Winter weather isn't officially over yet so it isn't quite time for our Spring Grooming extravaganza.  All our Doodle Doggies will be getting a lovely short springtime hairdo in late March/early April. Even though they aren't ready for the full beauty treatment, all of the doggies needed their nails trimmed plus a little trimming around their eyes and under the tail.  Mr. Yesteryear Acres was in charge of the nail trimming duty while I did the hair cuts. I am sure I do not have to explain why the under the tail trimming is necessary.  Let's just say, I like to keep what belongs outside....outside! LOL.  Now for the eyes - Doodle doggies look sooooooo cute with long hair hanging down on their face but if you cannot see your Doodle Doggie's eyes......your Doodle Doggie can't see you that well either.  It is really important to keep the hair around their eyes trimmed so they have a good field of vision. I just simply cut an upside down V around the bridge of their noses.  It keeps the hair out of their eyes and they are still soooooooo cute!  One by one all the doggies said, "How do I look?"  The answer was of course - Fabulous!  Now we can clearly see.... that's a lot of Clean Tail Wagging Devotion!

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