Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day...Does this look like work?

The puppies were hard at work today.  They really wanted to put the "Labor" into the Labor Day weekend.
First up....Learning to climb the stairs
It is SO HIGH!  How can we ever reach the top? 

Come on Guys! I did it!  It isn't too hard!

I just can't climb that high yet....but I am trying!

I think I am SO cute, you should just carry me.
Our chocolate puppies ventured outside for the first time.  They thought it was hard work being away from Mommy Nutmeg.  They did "labor" for 5 whole minutes before we carried them back inside.  Being with Mommy is still the best at this age.
Then of course we "labored" by having to cuddle with a lap full of our sweet Double Doodle puppies.
Such hard work!

Speaking of hard work....It is NAPTIME!  
I love my snuggle blankie!
"Pssssst, "Happy Labor Day"

1 comment:

  1. Happy Labor Day. These pictures really show the love and good care you give your sweet puppies Mrs. & Mrs. Yesteryear. They love their home. Sandi C.


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