Sunday, September 23, 2012

Pictures of course!!!

You didn't think I could go and take a million pictures of my son's homecoming without sharing did you?  I am sure my son is just grinning from ear to ear over the fact his mommy is going to embarrass him by posting his homecoming pictures on the Yesteryear Acres blogpost.  I mean what son doesn't dream of the day when  his mommy will go and post pictures of him on a blogpost without even checking with him first.  Oh dear son of mine -your dream has finally come true!  Here are some of my favorite pictures from last night:
First we had to do all the traditional pictures

Everyone needs the formal pond picture!

And the bridge over the pond picture

You would never guess it was 52* with 60mph winds!  It was so cold!

We were so lucky when the sun came out just long enough to shoot a couple of pictures.

You can only have so many "Stand there and Smile" photos so we had to do something a little fun!

Corsage time!

The first batch of our sun-dried tomatoes!!!!!! Mmmmmmm!

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