Saturday, December 17, 2011

Yesteryear Acres Experience

Our midshipman guest is definitely getting the full Yesteryear Acres experience.  He has dined on a full breakfast complete with eggs, homemade bread and sausages.  He ran errands with Mr. Yesteryear Acres all morning. He went to the feed mill, the home improvement store and the tractor store.  He has washed doggie pans, cleaned puppy boxes, helped unload new doggie houses and has worked non-stop since waking this morning.  He hasn't come back inside yet, so I am not sure if he will be up for round two tomorrow or not. My guess is that he will. As we were sure to provide him with the full Yesteryear Acres experience we were in turn treated to hearing all about his own experiences.  He is a NAVY SEAL selectee and hearing all about the SEAL screening process and the adventures that lie before him was just the best treat of all.  We were all captivated last night.  My son is literally following him every step he takes. It is our complete honor to have him in our home.  His selfless devotion to protecting our freedoms is awe inspiring to say the least. My younger daughter and I have been busy preparing an evening feast for him. When we say our thanks tonight - all my thanks will be for our Navy Seal guest. I am ever so grateful.

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