Monday, October 11, 2010

Early O'Thirty

This morning I was ever so diligent and got all the new pictures posted to the website.  I can't believe that Belle's puppies will be ready to go to their new homes this weekend.  I feel like they were just born yesterday!  Time has really been flying by lately.  I am trying to pack as much as I can into each day but still feel like I have so much to do. This weekend Mr. Yesteryear Acres will be in charge of the puppy pick ups all by himself.  I am going to be in Atlanta for the 5th annual International Labradoodle Breeder's Conference.  I am looking forward to the trip as I get to talk with other labradoodle breeders and we get to share stories and bounce ideas off of each other.  We are always looking for ways to do things better.  We usually have some really interesting speakers - vets, trainers, reproductive specialists, genetic educators, and behavioral consultants. We try to cover many different topics of interest to dog breeders.  It is always a great trip and I come home with lots of new ideas and always learn something interesting.  I am leaving Thursday night so that just gives me tomorrow and Wednesday to get everything done.  I will be burning the midnight oil for sure this week!  Most important thing on the list is of course....what do I pack? Which shoes do I bring?  Do I need a jacket?  I mean seriously.  Packing is always of the utmost importance!  I also need to figure out which is the safest way to get from the airport to downtown Atlanta.  Should I go via MARTA?  Is that a good idea with a rolling suitcase and a carry on?  Will I be saying "HELLO I AM OBVIOUSLY A TOURIST AND HAVE NO IDEA WHERE I AM GOING BECAUSE I AM DRAGGING A SUITCASE DOWN THE ROAD" or is that a good idea?  Taxi? Shuttle?  I am not an expert taxi passenger.  I have called for a taxi all by myself exactly ONE time.  And that time, the taxi cab driver had his car break down and pulled off the highway into the parking lot of a deserted strip mall in the middle of nowhereville, and I thought I was going to die. So what is the best way to get from point A to point B in Atlanta? I must figure this out by Thursday.  I still have tons to do tonight including packing my "TO DO" bag and lunch for tomorrow.  I have to be at the cardiologist at EARLY O'thirty in the morning. UGH.  Now I know why they call it a "Stress Test" - who is happy and stress-free about getting up at O'Dark-Thirty? Who wants to drive over an hour to an appointment to get hooked up with wires and machines AND YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE A CUP OF COFFEE!?!! Seriously.  They should rename the test "HORRIBLE STRESSFUL NO COFFEE NO FUN VERY BAD MORNING TEST".  *sniff sniff*  Guess I better go pack my blankie and tennis shoes and books and lunch. Maybe I should pack 2 blankies! WAH!

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