Thursday, November 11, 2010

November Thankfulness Day 11......for those who serve

Today my heart filled thanks goes out to all our military soldiers and their families. To all of those that have served in the past, I thank you.  For all those that serve today, I thank you.  For all those that have hopes to serve in the future, I thank you.  It is no small sacrifice to give up the needs and wants of one's self and one's family in exchange for the needs and wants of a nation. Our soldiers constantly put the needs of our country before any needs or desires they might have for their own lives.  They give up holidays. They give up birthday celebrations. They give up graduations, weddings, anniversaries, as well as giving up all the normal everyday occurrences such as family trips to the zoo, the park, or regular ole trips to the grocery store.  They often don't have big comfy beds with soft sheets, hot showers, good meals, working phones & computers with Internet access, or that delicious tall glass of cold milk with a plate of cookies before bed.  They give up so many things that most people take for granted - all so that we may enjoy living in the land of the free. On this Veteran's Day, I thank all the mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, sons and daughters who support their loved ones who protect our country.  It is no small feat to be without your loved ones, unsure of their safety, unsure of their whereabouts, unsure of the next time you will be together again. To those far away, and to those left behind, the road you have chosen is far from easy. Your path in life is filled with uncertainty. It can be lonely and indescribably difficult and heartbreaking. Our country owes you a debt of gratitude and unending thanks for all that you do for us. Every night that we go to sleep tucked safely away in our comfy beds - we thank you.  Every morning that we wake to see the sun rise over our beautiful country secure in the knowledge that you are out there protecting us - we thank you.  Thank you for giving up your freedom so that we may enjoy ours.

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled on your wonderful blog. This will also be a special Thanksgiving in our home. I remember when my son had leave from the Naval Academy and came home for the holiday. Today he is home again before deploying again in a couple of days. In the 14 years since commissioning he has spent 9 of them deployed overseas. Not always in a combat zone. This next deployment is his third into a combat zone. We will remember those who serve by deploying, but also the families who stay behind and serve by supporting those who have gone forward "to the sound of the guns."

    Thanks for writing this blog, it was an enjoyable read on a Thanksgiving morning.


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