Monday, October 17, 2011

One more picture upload please

My computer is definitely on death's door.  Even the computer repair technician told me that I have limited time left with my dear sweet computer. Evidently my motherboard is dying a quick death.  Sigh.  I really don't want a new computer.  I love this one.  We are old friends.  I like the missing "m" on my keyboard.  I am used to the bare spot on my space bar.  The fact that my computer runs at approximately 500* Fahrenheit is endearing to me.  Good ole computer.  It is a tragedy that we will soon part ways. I now have to shop for a shiny new model and so far, none have the appeal of my old friend. I will stand by my computer until the bitter end.  Today I whispered....just one more picture upload please and my computer listened. I was able to get all my pictures uploaded to the website. I held my breath with each picture upload but they all made it!  Here's a look at this Monday's Puppy Picture Happiness
It is so bright and sunny!

We love it out here!

One big armful of puppy love!

Cute little sleepy puppy

Perfect Pile of Precious Puppies

On the lookout for more leaves!


Happy Monday Everybody!

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