Friday, October 21, 2011

Sunny California

We made it! My sister and I landed within 10 minutes of each other and found each other at LAX with no problem. Our first stop......In and Out Burger!!! mmmmm That was tasty! It was a most excellent start to the day! When we got to our hotel, our room wasn't ready but they let us leave our luggage at the hotel so we went and walked to the Santa Monica Pier. The sun was shining, the ocean was sparkling and all was right with the world. We walked down the beach for hours and soaked in every bit of sunshine we could. It was delightful. We spent the entire day outside walking and walking and walking. We couldn't ask for a better day. This evening we met up with some of the doodle breeders and all went out for a fun dinner. We forgot our camera but I think the cell phone camera didi a pretty good job of capturing the happiness....

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