Sunday, July 29, 2012

Quilt of Memories

My younger daughter and I finally finished the big quilt project we started this summer! I made a quilt like this for my older daughter when she left for the Naval Academy.  She was no longer allowed to wear civilian clothes and had to leave behind all her favorite T-shirts.  I thought, "why don't we turn all your favorite T-shirts into a big quilt!"  That way she could bring all her favorite shirts with her and not have to say goodbye to everything that reminded her of home.  The quilt turned out beautifully and it is still one of my older daughter's most favorite possessions.  She brings it everywhere and loves it dearly. My younger daughter decided she wanted a T-shirt quilt for her dorm room at college so this summer we started making her quilt. Last night we finished the last of tufting all the layers and it is now officially finished! Now that is one big "To-Do" happily crossed off my list. I am so glad we got it done and we had fun doing it together.
All the pieces blocked out for the front of Quilt 
Sewing the blocks together

We took turns sewing strips and by the end, my daughter was pretty quick at assembling the pieces 
Front side done!

Ready for the batting
Pieces blocked for the back of Quilt 
Ta Da!  All finished!

Ready for her Dorm Room.  Now it will feel like home!

1 comment:

  1. I would love to know how you "tufted" all the layers. I am in the process of making a t-shirt quilt and am curious.


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