Thursday, October 25, 2012


Why Hello Junctober! You know - Junctober? The little known month that seems to be the month of October but feels like June.  Junctober occurs once all your winter clothes have come out of storage and all your summer clothes are put away.  Junctober occurs after all the airconditioners have been removed and stored up in the attic.  Junctober occurs when the calendar says it is time for Trick or Treat but instead of candy, the kids ask for popsicles. Junctober occurs when Mr. Yesteryear Acres has to mow........the sledding hill.
This is what Junctober looks like at Yesteryear Acres
Junctober is when it feels like the hillside should be carpeted in blossoms.....

But instead it is carpeted in leaves

Junctober is when the cornfield clearly says "I AM READY FOR HARVEST"
yet the grass says "LOOK IT IS SUMMER!"

Junctober is when the corn is dry but the grass is vibrant green

Junctober looks like this - but you need to apply sunscreen before going out

Junctober is when the picnic area looks like summer

But you feel like you need to wear a swimsuit so you won't roast at the cookout

Junctober is when you realize the swimming ladder has already been stored for the even though you want to swim......swimming season is over

Junctober looks like this but

The horses still have a springlike pasture to graze

OH Junctober - you can't fool us!  Mr. Yesteryear Acres has the wood stacked and ready for when it becomes Janvember!

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