Thursday, August 29, 2013


Can you imagine the overwhelming anticipation and excitement at Yesteryear Acres today? I mean today is a special day.  An exciting day.  What day is it? GRAVEL DAY! Oh my gosh.  Have you ever heard anything more exciting than that?!!!!  Well you wouldn't think so if you were in my kitchen this afternoon.  Both Mr. Yesteryear Acres and my son were staring out the window with eager anticipation because the GRAVEL TRUCK WAS COMING!  We had to order several truckloads of gravel to replace everything we lost in the storms this summer.  Most of our drive back to the pond and garden needs all new gravel as the driveway was washed away in the flood. Today the parade of gravel trucks started to arrive. OH BOY! GRAVEL!
Both Mr. Yesteryear Acres and my son RAN out the door as soon as they heard the gravel truck

Why walk back to the pond when you can hitch a ride?

Ummmm - never mind.  My son missed the ride!

See how exciting!!!  I bet you are covered in goose bumps right now!

And just think...MORE gravel is coming! AND guess what happens next? SHOVELING the GRAVEL!  Yes.  So exciting.  I can hardly stand it.  Get out the wheelbarrow boys!  The gravel is HERE!

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