Monday, April 11, 2011

Grey Days

As the beauty of yesterday's sunshiney beautiful day fades into a distant memory - Mr. Grey Sky is back again with the once again dreary rainfall.  *sigh*  We have had SO many grey days. I cannot wait for the beauty of spring to really arrive once and for all. There is hope --- today I noticed the little flowers just starting to bloom on our trees. Our magnolia tree is getting flower buds and our cherry tree desperately wants to be in full flowering beauty.  I would say our daffodils are gorgeous but evidently what they are - is DELICIOUS.  The deer have been holding secret gourmet feasts in our front yard gorging themselves on tender daffodil flowers. Mr. Yesteryear Acres went out the other night at 3am and ever so politely asked the 6-8 deer to please find another location for savoring spring flowers. They reluctantly agreed but it was all a big pretense as they were back again last night. Seriously - we have acres and acres behind us - why eat the few beautiful flowers out front by the road? I am sure the deer will say because they are more delicious than the flowers in the woods - but I beg to differ.  I say - move on deer! Move on!!! I hope tomorrow brings a bit of sunshine our way.  The puppies were sad to not have a long time to play outside today. It was just too rainy and muddy for puppies so they were stuck inside most of the day.  They did however have a lot to say about it.  Mostly they said "WE LIKE THE RAIN, WE LIKE THE RAIN, WE LIKE THE RAIN......LET US PLAY IN THE MUD".  Mean old human mommy. Maybe tomorrow puppies. Maybe tomorrow!

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