This afternoon I could NOT find my phone. I looked everywhere and it was NO where to be found. I checked like a mad woman upstairs, downstairs, in the car, in my purse, in the kitchen, in the laundry room....nada. And then to be sure I was utterly mad - I checked all those places again. Don't you love losing things? Isn't it awesome to look in the EXACT same places over and over again, all the while thinking, "maybe I didn't see my phone on this completely clean kitchen counter the first 10 times I looked"....or "maybe it is in the car! Even though I JUST looked there!" Yes. I know the actual definition of insanity is doing the EXACT same thing and expecting a DIFFERENT result, yet I still checked my car 3 times and emptied out my purse twice. My son is away at a track meet and I was so afraid I would miss his call. Finally Mr. Yesteryear Acres came in the door and I asked him to call me. I told him my phone was lost! Forever! I had searched the entire house and it was missing! He was sure I threw it away as I had been working all day upstairs cleaning. As he dialed my number, we spaced ourselves out so we could perhaps get a small glimmer of hope in hearing my phone. When Mr. Yesteryear Acres calls my phone it sings, "But I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more, just to be that man who walks 1000 miles to fall down at your door." It is a very fitting ringtone because as we all know - Mr. Yesteryear Acres IS that man. As we crossed our fingers, straining to hear, hoping ........BUT I WOULD WALK 500 MILES was glaringly if my phone were RIGHT there. I turned around. No phone. Still the phone kept singing. I turned around again. No phone. The music was SO loud. My phone must be SOMEWHERE right near me. I MUST be getting warm! Yes. It is then that I realized............
my phone
Surely there must be some sort of prize for this! Winning!
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