Sunday, May 27, 2012

USNA Reflections

This morning our daughter took us on a leisurely tour of the Naval Academy. We of course have been there many times before but this was a reminiscent tour.  A look back. A "remember when".  A "this is the last time we will walk these hallow grounds" tour.  We took one last trip to the midstore.  We took one last look at Tecumseh. We took one last look at the court in front of Bancroft Hall. We took our time and brought our camera and took a ton of pictures.  We took pictures of her Chemistry building.  We took pictures of the monuments.  We took pictures of the Ginkgo Biloba trees where she gathered leaves for her Research Project on Alzheimer's. We walked the entire Naval Academy grounds and took the time to appreciate her 4 years spent here. We had no other plans, no place to be, our only agenda was to spend the day reflecting, appreciating, remembering .....and now.....we begin to look toward the future.  The day after tomorrow she will no longer be a midshipman at the United States Naval Academy. The day after tomorrow she will be a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps. We are ready.

1 comment:

  1. both you AND Mr. yesteryears got to go??? Oh man, I was so sad for you reading the Left Behind post!


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