Saturday, May 5, 2012

Seafoam Green no

Today I took on the arduous task of going through every single item of clothing I own. Every single one.  Winter and Summer. Now that we have a brand new bedroom, it is time to declutter and not put everything back as it once was. It is time to streamline our possessions. It is time to let go of the clothes I wore when I was in high school.  I was determined to keep only the clothes that still fit and look good on me.  I spent all day making piles.  Good shirts. Work shirts. Good pants. Work pants. Pants that used to fit me.  Shirts that used to fit me.  More pants that used to fit me. WHY DON'T THESE PANTS FIT ME? Why don't these shirts fit me? SERIOUSLY?  How can these Pajamas be SO small?!?!  HOW CAN ALL OF THESE CLOTHES BE SO SMALL?  The "How Can My Clothes Be So Small" pile was winning by a landslide.  No really.  The tower of clothes was so high - they were falling over in a landslide fashion. At no time did it occur to me that I was too large for my clothes - clearly - all my clothes shrunk.  They are simply too small.  I finally had everything down to reasonable size piles and started folding my clothes. I was almost ready to start putting them in my drawers when my daughter came in. She walked over to a pile of pants and pulled out a pair of corduroys and immediately fell over, laughing hysterically.  She couldn't stop laughing.  Tears were rolling down her face.  She said, "WHAT ARE THESE!?!?" Evidently, unbeknownst to me, sometime between 1980 and 2012, Seafoam Green Corderoys fell out of fashion. Evidently they are so out of fashion that the mere sight of them can reduce someone to tears and hysterics. "So I guess you are saying, 'NO' to the Seafoam Green Cords?"  I am quick to pick up on subtle hints like that.  My clothes were then further streamlined.  Purple pants are evidently out as well.  So was the matching purple top.  Matchy Matchy colorful exercise outfits also fell victim to the streamline process. The good news - is that my clothes are nice and neat and EASILY fit in my drawers. I have room to spare. This can only mean one thing.  TIME TO GO SHOPPING!!!!!

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