Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Happy Tummies!

Yea! My daughter made..................COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR HUMANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes! Joy! Happiness!  COOKIES!  Last night when we were done working for the day and were completely exhausted, my daughter said she would make Mother's Day cookies.  I said, "No, you don't need to do that sweetie." I said, "I know you are tired, please don't bother."  I said, "Really, it isn't necessary." I said, "We don't need cookies."  Of course after each of those sentences I added, "But I do LOVE cookies".  And one or two times I might have mentioned that Cookies = Happy Tummies.  And there is a distinct possibility I might have added, "Cookies are my favorite dessert."  I am sure I didn't put ANY pressure on my daughter to make cookies though!  Last night, as we were watching a movie.....we had COOKIES AND MILK! They were SO scrumptious.  They were SO delicious!  They are actually calling me right now!  COOKIE TIME!!!!!!!!!! YES!

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