Tuesday, January 8, 2013


My younger daughter is on a jet flying across the pond to a grand adventure. She will be spending the next semester in Europe, seeing all the sights and experiencing all the different cultures. When she learns about Van Gogh in her Art History class, her professor will then take the entire class to the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. She will have a field trip to the Louvre in Paris.  Everything she reads about in a book she will experience first hand. I am so HAPPY for her!
and then.......
sigh.....OH MY GOSH! The doggies already miss her.  The puppies already miss her.  I ALREADY MISS HER!!!!!  She will be gone for so long! How will I live!?! The house is already so empty without her.
and then.....
She will see the Alps!  She will see Castles!  She will see amazing museums! She will see the Mediterranean Sea!
and then.....
I had to say goodbye to her at the airport and watch her walk through security knowing I will not see her again for almost six months. Inside my heart was literally breaking.....sigh
But on the outside, I smiled and I hugged her tight and I waved, I said I AM SO HAPPY! Cause I am.........Happy.......and .......well you know.  Sigh.

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