Monday, February 27, 2012

Puppies all gone?! WAH!

Our very last McGyver goldendoodle puppy went home today.  For the first time in a long time....we have no puppies! No cute puppy kisses! No cute puppy tail wagging!  No cute puppy snuggles! WAH!  How will I live?!  Mr. Yesteryear Acres bleached down all the puppy nesting areas and I spent the day washing all the puppy toys and blankets. Tonight - there is no midnight puppy poop clean up.  I can actually go up right to bed. Tomorrow morning - I will have a cup of coffee BEFORE cleaning up puppy poop! WHAT?!  I don't even have to set my alarm to make sure I wake up to feed the puppies. This feels totally strange. This does not feel right.  I am so accustomed to my puppy routine I know I will feel all discombobulated. Maybe....just maybe......Mr. Yesteryear Acres and I will actually get our upstairs bedroom finished. Maybe just maybe I will get the house all clean and tidy. Maybe just maybe we will get our TO DO list shortened. OR Maybe Just Maybe - I will look at cute puppy pictures that everyone has been sending me and sigh and count the days until our new doodle babies arrive! The official puppy countdown has begun! Just a little over one week to go and.......NEW PUPPIES! Yea! I already miss those cute furry faces!


  1. YOU are too funny GF! You definitely found your calling! :)

  2. Can't wait!!!! When do you think Lola will go in labor? This is so exciting... I've never waited for a puppy to be born... My husband Ian and I have said we may have puppies rather than babies... and my mom keeps joking she's going to throw us a Doodle Shower since thats the closest she may ever get to a baby shower!!


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